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Ever since I can remember, I have loved the roaring sound of a V8 engine, the adrenaline of speed, and scents of the great outdoors. I am an adventure junkie, excited by challenges that push my limits. Whether that be leaping off a 50 foot cliff jump, hanging  out of a helicopter to get the perfect shot, or racing through the desert on my dirt bike, the thirst for thrill never dies out! Through it all, I am fortunate to have a family that supports my unique interests, and even most of the time, they partake as well. 


My love for thrill compliments my desire to innovate. Thinking of new ideas to revolutionize the automotive and technology industry doesn't go a day out of my mind. Back home, you can often find me using scrap parts to modify my truck or dirt bike. My ingenuity has changed the way I look at simple objects like an automobile or camera, because there is so much more than meets the eye. 

Hungry For Adventure


2015-07-25 10.48.35-1
2015-07-17 20.37.01-1
2015-07-08 11.05.12
2015-07-07 09.35.04-1
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