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         My name is Joshua Dearborn and I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in Orange County CA. I am blessed with two very loving and supportive parents and a younger brother. The relationship I have with my family defines my characteristics; passionate, genuine, and like to get wild every once in a while.  Our family dynamic is very fun and energetic...never a dull moment! When I am not spending time with them, you can find me lost in the mountains riding my dirt bike, playing beach volleyball, or lounging around with friends. 


        After graduating High School I packed my bags for Tucson, Arizona, where I would continue my studies at the University of Arizona. I chose UA for the amazing campus, top business school, strong athletics and the chance to re-invent my self. I am currently a Senior lucky enough to study my passion, Management Information Systems. My years in Arizona have been shaped by the friends I have made. College may have a time-limit, but these relationships will last a life-time.  


        I was raised in a Christian home, but it wasn't until college I realized I needed to develop a relationship with the Lord on my own. Once I created that relationship under my own will I have grown closer in my faith. There is no better feeling than knowing my perfect God has led me on this path for a much greater purpose! 

Forever Growing 

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